Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rotary - an organisation with global reach

Attached to this posting is a speech delivered by Hon Jim McLay - New Zealand Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations - well worth the read!
He references Rotary in his presentation stating:

Yesterday, I addressed the Auckland Downtown Rotary Club; part of an organisation with a global reach and perspective.
Before 1945, Rotary promoted member-discussions on the proposed United Nations; eleven prominent Rotarians were invited to the San Francisco conference, and influenced the humane aspects of the Charter.
So, I challenged Rotary actively to support our campaign; to take pride in the hoped-for result, and pride in what we do at the Council table. 

He concludes by stating:

A giant wave can be broken by the canoe's prow
I have always held in awe the ability of Mäori orators to capture whole ideas in a single, metaphoric phrase.
Mäori have a saying, "He nui maunga e kore e taea te whakaneke, he nui ngaru moana ma te ihu o te waka e wahi" - a great mountain cannot be moved, but a giant wave can be broken by the canoe's prow.
Although the challenges faced by the United Nations might seem overwhelming, they can be addressed, they can be overcome; even the giant wave of the world's many problems can be broken by the canoe's prow.
And that is what the United Nations is all about; and it also happens to be what New Zealand is all about.

Read the whole paper by clicking here...

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