Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fitzroy Club turns 50!

A programme of achievements
 What a great celebration. Memories, people, achievements and more memories. Past Presidents, long serving members, partners, friends and the Mayor Elect Harry Duynhoven. President Barry Styles led the celebrations where we heard of the achievements of this Club chartered by New Plymouth in 1960. Here is a Club that has a proud history, has made a huge impact in the community and continues to do so, with fewer numbers. Like many Clubs in our District, they face the challenge of attracting new members. You have to wonder why we have this issue as there must be many would would absolutely love the opportunity to give back to the community. We work to discover how to connect with these members in our community to allow them to contribute to the next fifty years of service in Fitzroy!
AG David & Rosalie (Taranaki 1)
President Barry Henderson & Madeleine
(from RC of New Plymouth)
The guest speaker was Terry Long who spoke of how his personal loss of his 17 year old daughter has made him devote time and energy in developing the 'Mellow Puff Trust' where he works with his fellow trustees to assist young people (19 years or younger) who are struggling with adversity. The Trust has a $130,000 fund and has already in a short time assisted 25 kids - is his words, it is 'Naki people helping Naki kids'. For my overseas readers 'Naki' is short for Taranaki. Terry states he is doing it 'because he can'.

Past and present Presidents of Fitzroy

President Barry - his notes from the night:

On behalf of our members, present and past,
I feel honoured this evening as President of the Rotary Club of Fitzroy
to acknowledge the sincere support given to this very special club.
The coming together of all our Rotary friends and with guests having travelled long distances.
I know I am expressing the general opinion when I say how much we appreciate the compliments you have paid us in spending this evening with us.
50 years ago a group of very enthusiastic gentlemen established the Rotary Club of Fitzroy.
As we look back, our early pioneer members worked tirelessly to promote Rotary.
  •  Encouraging the formation of other clubs
  • And aspiring to serve on District Committees 
Today as we strive to maintain our membership, I take pride in the dedicated:
Work  -  Fellowship and Companionship
Our friendly Fitzroy members accomplish.
  • Service before self
  • Building good will and better friendships
  • International understanding
We appreciate all the thoughtful good wishes we have received and we thank you all for sharing this wonderful occasion with us. 
I would like to finish with a quote from Clem Renouf,
International President 1978-79

Rotary takes ordinary men, and gives them
Extra ordinary opportunities to do more with
Their lives than they had ever dreamed possible.

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