Sunday, October 17, 2010

What is a DAC?

For many of us, all the acronyms of Rotary are a real turn off!
If it's not welcoming a PDG to award a PHF before attending a PEPS session, it is the IPP attending an IYE event with the PE before the DA....... (grrrrrrrr!)
There is a listing of the frequently used acronyms in the current District Directory and it is always good to remind members to refrain from using them in meetings.  
Stuart Frame, Dexter Bambery, Rodney Wong,
Bob Smith
Today I had the pleasure of meeting with past District Governors (PDG's) of District 9940 (D9940) in Wanganui.  This is a meeting which is held normally twice a year, when past District Governors can hear of the programmes and plans of the current year.  As the name implies this is an opportunity for those past Governors to become more fully aware of the activity of the current Governor (DG) as well as receive reports from (wait for it.....), the Governor Elect (DGE), the Governor Nominee (DGN), the District Rotary Foundation Chair (DRFC), as well as hear reports on the Rotary New Zealand World Community Service (RNZWCS), membership programmes, project activity, new generation activities as well as initiatives being adopted by the Multi District Public Relations Committee (MDPR).  Have you had enough???

Any way - we had the meeting today in Wanganui.  It was good to have the support of Bob and Graeme and the past District Governors.  In attendance were 10 past District Governors including Stuart Frame (1982-83), Ross George (1987-88), Don Speirs (1990-91), Dexter Bambery (1994-95), Morris Robinson (2000-1), Barbara Williams (2004-5), Rodney Wong (2005-6), Graham Douglass (2006-7), Pat Waite (2007-8) and Tony Fryer (2008-9).

Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention- the DAC is the District Advisory Committee.

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