Monday, October 18, 2010

Hawera - chartered 1925

Rotary Court providing a service

 No sooner had we arrived in Hawera, than we were whisked off to the Nowell's Lakes Walkway project.  We were absolutely blown away, not by the wind (in fact the weather was beautiful) but by the scale and the effort that has been put into this innovative project.  Planting, landscaping and informative notices are very much part of this project.  Here is a valley near the Fontera Factory that is being transformed by the inspiration and perspiration of the Rotary Club of Hawera.  Originally a Centenary project it has moved on to be one bringing together the community as the area expands and the vision gets bigger.  Here is a Club
DG Howard & President Doug
that has significant history but more important has an important future.  Issues on rejuvenating the profile of the Club are being tackled head on by the Board.  It is recognised that the essence to attract more members to our service organisation is by developing bolder, energetic Clubs that have projects engaging all members.  President Doug has shown us how a block of flats help raise money for the Club, but the money is carefully dispensed to worthy causes and is not replacing the efforts required by the Club to get hands on projects.  I look forward to hearing more about the progress to increase the profile of this small but successful Club.  Thanks Hawera.
Bold in their signage

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