Monday, October 18, 2010

“Service above Self”

RLI Facilitators in training
in July of this year
The Theory of Human Motivation raises the question whether motivation is driven by the existence of our unsatisfied needs? Motivation comes from the latin “motivus’ – movement, what pushes and incites us into action. It is about the relationship between an individual and his or her environment, whether in peer group or society.
Altruism is the principle of considering the well being of others first, before self.
Motivation and altruism are the key ingredients necessary to be a Rotarian. With organisation and team-work, as Rotarians, we make projects of value to render a service to our community.
Last Saturday, I attended part one of the District 9940 Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) seminar.
The seminar increased my awareness of the purpose of Rotary. I learnt about the administrative layers of Rotary International above club level. I was introduced to the basics goals, programmes and financing of the Rotary Foundation and discovered the importance of the value of the Rotary Foundation to the clubs and Rotary International.
We talked about some of the focus areas of Rotary:
  • Polio +, the Polio Eradication. The program created in 1985 has contributed so far more than US$600 million;
  • Peace - The creation since 2002 of Rotary Centers for International studies in 7 prestigious universities worldwide for master’s-level education in conflict resolution;
  • International Education and sponsorships;
  • Humanitarian Projects, literacy and water management.
At club level, I have retained from the seminar the continuing importance of creating more opportunities for service projects in our areas of focus, thus enhancing the profile of our club, the desire for others to come and join us, and the feeling of a job well done for worthy causes.
It made me ponder over a quote from William F. Scolavino extracted from our RI Directory:
“The height of your accomplishments will equal the depth of your conviction” . This is so true for all aspects of our lives.
It was also a great opportunity to network with other Rotarians. PDG Graham Douglass welcomed us; talks were given by different speakers, one of them being Don Battah who talked about Rotary above club level. Paul Giles also attended the seminar. 
Nicole Parry (Eastern Hutt)

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