Sunday, November 21, 2010

A gathering at Taraunga

DG Nicolas Spillman (9920),  Rebecca and DG Peter Signal
(9930) and DG Trish Boyle (9980) 
We have arrived home from several days at Tauranga.

RID Stuart and Adrianne Heal, DG's for 2011/2012
surrounding incoming RIP Kalyan Banerjee and Binota
First we attended GETS (Governor Elect Training) where the District Governor Nominees, Elects and current Governors met for plenary sessions and individual training sessions.  Present at his training was Rob Crabtree (our Zone's Rotary Coordinator), John Cole (our Rotary Foundation Coordinator), trainers and presenters.  Also in attendance were staff from Australia's Parramatta Office and members of the Rotary Down Under team.  Partners were also present.  This was an excellent chance for the current Governors to discuss inter District projects and to share progress in each others District activities.
A highlight was when RI Director Stuart Heal (Cromwell) introduced Foundation Trustee Ashok M. Mahajan along with the incoming RI President  Kalyan Banerjee, a member of the Rotary Club of Vapi, Gujarat, India.

Over the next few weeks I will provide some of the updates from this week.
Following the GETS training was Institute where we met up with a large group of past District Governors in order to hear reports on activity of rotary in the New Zealand South Pacific region.

And here is a selection of images ...