Sunday, November 14, 2010

Membership in verse!

Focal Point - extracted from New Plymouth West's Bulletin

“Jim was a bloke from the Coast, whose Tuesdays were boring as toast,
Tom said “come where we meet and we’ll learn and we’ll eat
Come to Rotary with me as your host”,

So off I went to Rotary West, with Tom Bredow as his guest,
I quite liked the beer, and the meal and the cheer,
And now I’m a member no less.

The age averages 80 or more and they tend to be rich rather than poor,
But they are generous and true, and lots of fun too,
They’re from farming to engineering and law.

Now my Tuesday's are full of delight, I make new friends and learn every night,
My wallet is lighter, my belt’s a bit tighter
And I’m doing more of what’s good and what’s right”

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