Thursday, November 18, 2010

What is happening at Tauranga?

Hi folks, just a quick not to let you know Jenny and I are in Tauranga for two multi-District events:

Pre-Institute Governors training (commonly regerred to as GETS = Governor Elect Training)
DGE Bob and Margaret Smith are here and the other 5 DGE's from the other New Zealand and South Pacific Districts)
DGN Graeme and Christine Blick are her with the DGNs for the other Districts.

Following this there is Institute where all past District Governors are invited and we spend two days advising on activities of Rotary and the main input is from our very own RI Director Stuart Heal but more importantly the incoming RI President Kalyan Banerjee, a member of the Rotary Club of Vapi, Gujarat, India.  Read more here ...

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