Saturday, February 12, 2011

Rotary hits TV - BOLDER in our Community

This is a Billboard poster being used as part of the campaign
As part of the work done by the multi District PR committee, a media campaign is about to kick off this Sunday on TV One.
Money is contributed by each District and this is supplemented by PR grants from Rotary International.  We are also well supported by local marketers, media consultants and given very favourable deals by the various media channels.  

Club PR people: let's support this with our own media campaign to compliment the exposure we will be receiving on national TV and also on selected national web sites.

View the TV commercial here...

View the TV Schedule here...

As DGN Ron Seeto (District 9920) says:
The goods are there my friends - it is now up to us (the “leadership”) to motivate and mobilise our clubs and membership to leverage off this huge opportunity throughout February and March.