Saturday, February 12, 2011

Future Vision Update - 9940 featured

District 9940 is one of 100 selected Districts out of the 530 world-wide to be involved in the Future Vision Pilot.

Highlights this year have been:
  • The conducting of 3 Future Vision Workshops around the District in March of last year
  • The qualification of Clubs and The District in order to access and use Foundation funding
  • The submission and selection of District Grant projects
  • Receiving the funding from The Rotary Foundation for a selection of projects
  • Selecting and obtaining approval for a Global Grant funded vocational scholar - Catherine Harwood sponsored by RC of Mt Victoria (End of the road....)
  • Using the online portal for applying. approving and reporting on the Grant process
  • District 9940 being cited in the January edition of the monthly Future Vision Plans News as a model for other FVP Districts to use in making application for District Grants.
This is all very positive for the District, the Pilot and the future involvement of all Districts world wide come July 2012.

District 9940 has received a further comment in this recetly received Future Vision Update stating:

Global grant scholarship awarded to support peace studies
The Rotary Club of Rottemeren, The Netherlands (District 1600) and District 9940 (New Zealand) are working together to provide a scholarship for a New Zealand student to study in the Netherlands. Funded by a global grant, the student will receive a Master of Laws with a specialization in peace, justice, and development. After completing her studies, she plans to work as a lawyer, defending and advancing human rights through advocacy and research. This scholarship is aligned with the peace and conflict prevention/resolution area of focus.
Read more here....