Monday, April 4, 2011

Connecting with Gen Y

Michael was our keynote
speaker at our recent
District 9940 Actions Count
Conference at Wairakei.
Michael McQueen is an Australian-born speaker, social researcher and business owner.  Upon graduating from university in 2002, he founded a training consultancy called The Nexgen Group.
Nexgen's mission is to help generations better understand and connect with each other. Over the past 5 years, Michael and his organisation have worked with over 90,000 people across Australia, South East Asia and North America.
Memento is Michael's second bestselling book. His first release The `New' Rules of Engagement  focuses on demographic trends and strategies for engaging with Generation Y. As a leading authority on the topic of generational change, Michael features regularly on Television and Radio programs and is sought-after internationally as a conference keynote presenter.

For those who missed Conference, and those who didn't, read more here...