Friday, April 8, 2011

ERK's increase membership

It gave me great pleasure at Conference to award David Wilson (Eastern Hutt) a District Governor's Special Achievement award for his service to the District.
Here is a letter I received today which exemplifies his service to the community and to our Pacific neighbours.

See if you can spot Gangster Dave in this lot!!
Click on image to see a larger view

Your Email has been forwarded on to me by PDG Stuart Batty & unfortunately I wasn't able to reply to you till now as my wife Margaret & I just returned home last night after staying on in Taupo at our Timeshare Apartment for a few days after attending the wonderful Dist 9940 Conference at Wairakei last weekend where I was asked to setup & man the RNZWCS Display Stand which included our ERK.

First of all may I say that your Rotary Club of Terrace End truly were & still are the leaders in our Rotary District 9940 in donations to Emergency Response Kits this Rotary Year to date, setting a real example for all other Clubs to follow after your very generous donation of $6000 for10 ERK's August 9, 2010 from the proceeds of your last Manawatu Wine & Food Festival.

Your Rotary Club of Terrace End certainly made your "Actions Count" & while I would sincerly appreciate & like to count on your Club's continued ERK support I do realise that we all have choices as to where & how we spend our hard earned dollars.

Last month I had the privilege of being invited by RNZWCS to setup & man their Display Stand at the very first combined PETS weekend in Auckland March 4,5 & 6, 2011 & I must say it was really great to receive first hand feedback from several incoming AG's & President Elect's who had participated in the distribution of ERK's in our NZ Rotary District's 9910 & 9920.
ERKs promoted in the local Porirua market

One particular Fijian Indian came up to me, shook my hand & pointing to the ERK on display said ERK's are the best thing Rotary has ever done - I was not a Rotarian but when my family needed help Rotary came & gave us one of these ERK's - that's why I wanted to join Rotary & became a Rotarian.

What a story !! It made me personally feel that any effort I was currently putting  into the promotion of ERK's that my Rotary Club of Eastern Hutt & our Dist 9940 introduced to NZ in 1983 was well worthwhile & genuinely appreciated.

I am sure that if your Club's President Elect was at the PETS Weekend in Auckland he would have a similar story to tell.

Eddie if I can be of any further ERK assistance to you or your Rotary Club of Terrace End Members & particularly your Manawatu Wine & Food Festival Committee Members please don't hesitate to come back to me.


Emergency Response Kits Convenor (District 9940)