Thursday, April 7, 2011

Let's get off our ASK!

I recently asked a current President whose Club has shown extremely good growth as to why he'd been successful.  His reply is below:
These are the letters I sent out to new members in
our District over the last two months!

Regards new members, you answered the question yourself in an email earlier in the year when you said “I bet it has something to do with just asking”
A high profile in the Community helps.  Our Trailer Raffle captured two new members and the people that were selling tickets were friendly and out there.
I worked hard on the Club at the beginning to be attentive to prospective members as they came in the door and introduced a rostered “Hospitality Host” that made sure that strangers were not left standing alone. Took a while to catch on but now works very well.
New Members bring a real buzz to the Club and each week it is hard to stop them talking so I can get on with business.

I am afraid there is no secret formula, just luck & perseverance.

And I would add - an invitation!