Monday, May 16, 2011

Membership Figures - let's get +positive+

The challenge is to reverse the trend in our District by increasing our membership to counter those members who are lost.  The goal has been for every Club to have a net gain of 1 member.
Some Clubs have achieved far more than that while others have been declining in their membership.
This is the responsibility of all members and as I have often said, "We need to get off our ASK".  The recent visit of Past RI President Frank Devlyn shows what one man can do, even when in the city for less than 24 hours.  I would think he spoke to no less than 10 people in the street as he walked from the Museum Hotel to the Parade Cafe.

This is the most recent figures from RI (we are District 9940).  I have challenged Clubs to get into the positive and we have a month to do that.  I love goals!!
Also this is dependent upon Clubs submitting their membership returns - if you have not, contact District Support Chair Dale Williamson (see directory for contact details)