Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A time to reflect

I'm not sure Jenny shares my same
passion for old buildings!
History and old buildings and the family lineage has always been a fascination of mine.  I am in my element here in England.  But then after today I can honestly say I am starting to get 'castled' out!  Nevertheless the experience has been absolutely absorbing.
After a few days away from the Blog (due to technical difficulties beyond our control) I am now able to complete a brief Blog from a Bread and Breakfast home in the heart of East Sussex - near Battle.  We have hired a car and are more mobile and not having to rely totally on The Underground, British Rail and of course, our feet!
Where we dined last night
in Canterbury
I suppose the logical Rotary twist to this is that our Clubs have histories - very proud ones to be sure.  Wellington Rotary Club recently celebrated its 90th in fine style at Government House - a future Blog will have more details.  We have the excellent service of our members over the years and I hear there are many of our members who have been recognised in the recent Queens Birthday Honours (again, more details shortly). And of course there are the historical events in your own Club and 'page will be turned' come 1 July as you induct another President to lead your voluntary activities in your community.  We learn from our history and we move confidently into the future, knowing more than we did 12 months ago.  We also are reminded to learn from the lessons on history.  Didn't Sir Ray Avery remind us at District Conference to observe what is happening around us.  So what are the lessons we are taking from this year into the next?  Things we can repeat and things we will avoid.  Repeating activities that were successful and identifying others that you are best to move away from. 
Leeds Castle - so beautiful

History is something I enjoy.  But more importantly is the ability to look optimistically towards the coming days and making each day count in living the ideal of Rotary - to serve others.

Home soon - back up to London tomorrow night after spending time travelling along the southern coast of England.  See you all soon in Wanganui.