Wednesday, June 8, 2011

U$AVE - for Rotary's benefit

What is USave you may well ask? Let me step back a bit.

NZCAP (NZ Corporate Alliance Programme Ltd) was a vehicle formed as a Multi District programme, to assist develop a National Focus for Rotary within NZ. You would have all seen the very successful Rotary/TV snippets of the last two months – initiated by the Public Image Committee of the combined six Districts under the umbrella of NZCAP.

The concept of USave is similar to Trademe (and Trademe started from an idea as well) excepting 25% of all commission sales in USave are given back to the Nominated Charity – In our case it is “Rotary in New Zealand”. NZCAP is that vehicle to handle those commission monies for the benefit of Rotary and the community.

“What do I do?” You may well ask – Go online to

Top left hand corner you have a registration box – register and name your charity. You will see a very long list of charities to choose from (don’t forget) ROTARY IN NZ.

Very simple – 2 minutes - DONE!

You might say – “Nah – not for me” But what about your children, grandchildren, friends. We are all competing for that magical dollar BUT what Rotary does, it does well. We need your support to continue putting the “face of Rotary” amongst our community.

Please give it a go – you may get “HOOKED”

Geoff Mathis Chairman NZCAP