Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rotary Science & Technology Forum

What a great response from District 9940 - I thank all 18 Clubs involved in this wonderful programme.
There are 20 girls and 11 boys involved and as you can see below - some Clubs are sponsoring more than one candidate. Well done!!
Thanks also to Jim Johnston (Karori Club) for his work in coordinating our District's attendees.

The programme targets OUTSTANDING all round science, mathematics and technology students in Year 12 - (Form 6) who are returning to Year 13 and are planning tertiary study in science or technology.
A two week “live in” programme, conducted by the Tertiary Institutions of Auckland. Students live in one of Auckland’s premier Halls of Residence and are involved in a full programme of activity.
By the end of the Forum students should have a better understanding of the tertiary courses that they wish to follow and a fuller appreciation of the place of science and technology in the world.

The Forum also provides an opportunity for high achieving students to spent time with similar minded people and the experiences gained invariably result in overall personal growth and a renewed motivation to succeed.

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