Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Shelter Box 'One Voice' Report (thanks to Warren for passing on)

As we move towards the year’s end we look back to what has been a particularly busy year for ShelterBox.
We’ve responded to the catastrophic Haiti earthquake and now, the terrible floods in Pakistan as well the disasters that make less impact on the news – in September we responded to flooding in Niger and mudslides in Guatemala.
Wherever there are people without adequate shelter we endeavour to help them.
Since our foundation 10 years ago we’ve grown, expanded and improved, but we will always remain true to our roots and our core founding principles of providing shelter, warmth and dignity to families caught up in disasters around the world We’re responding to disasters on a bigger scale and more frequently than we’ve ever done before. This year alone nearly 40,000 boxes have left our warehouse doors, four times as many as 2009.
We always need to be ready for the next disaster because we never know when or where it is going to strike. What we do know is that the next big disaster is out there waiting to happen. Furthermore, we know that with your support we will continue to help thousands of families at a time when they absolutely need it the most.
With my continued and heartfelt thanks,
Rotarian, Tom Henderson OBE
Founder & CEO

Read more here ...

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