Sunday, December 12, 2010


PDG Stuart celebrates his 100th
birthday with his son, PDG Nigel
November 24th 2010 marked a significant milestone for Rotary District 9940. Its founding District Governor (1956-1957), Stuart Hayton CBE, QSM celebrated his 100th birthday.

The ‘party’ included his sister and brother, children and all his grandchildren and great-grandchildren – some of whom had assembled from Australia, USA, Canada and England, as well as throughout New Zealand.

Despite a recent fall and sojourn in hospital with a broken hip, the ‘centurion’ was in fine spirits and continues to have good health. A bound presentation volume of Rotary greetings came from RIP Ray Klinginsmith, 28 Past District Governors and the current DG, DGE, and DGN of 9940. Also featuring in the photograph is his son, 9940 PDG Nigel Hayton (1985-1986). Truly a family who believes in community service.