Friday, November 5, 2010

Thoughts on building your Club - a must read

Hi folks - I subscribe to LinkedIn.  This is a Social Networking site on the internet and is focused on connecting professionals based on levels of interest and expereince.  There are some huge benefits in belonging to the Rotary International Group in LinedIn - it is simple and does not in anyway compromise your security.  You have complete control.

By way of example:
These are the Groups I belong to

A member places a question up on LinkedIn - people can read and they may choose to respond.  The comment was a very topical one:
Anyone have a success story about turning around an old club with declining membership. I know that there are several issues involved, but I'd like to hear of successes that may help guide a rescue. 

I suggest you read the attache document to see what Rotarians have said - they have offered ideas and stimulated further discussion - it is worth a read! 

Read it here ...

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