Saturday, February 19, 2011

Books for Conference

A Literacy Project for Partners attending Conference
To support Howard in the forthcoming Conference at Wairakei, I am promoting the idea of a simple Literacy project.
Participation is purely voluntary with the recipients being  low decile schools, preschools, children’s hospital wards, immigrant education/ESOL centres, Women’s Refuges or the like.

Partners of Rotarians are encouraged to bring with them 2-3 children’s books to donate to a specific collection point at the Conference venue in Wairakei.
Books can be picture books, early readers or material suitable for independent readers (children up to age 12).  A name plate will be supplied for the donor to write a message inside each book for those who wish to do so. (The book may be a story about your area?)
Local Rotary Club’s will deliver the donated books to the worthy recipients in the weeks following the Conference.
Books can be new (look for sales/bargain tables between now and the Institute) or pre-loved books in good condition.
I confess this is not an original idea as RI Director Stuart Heal’s partner Adrienne did this very thing at the recent Institute gathering in Tauranga.

This is a simple way to collect possibly hundreds of books (dependent on your participation) to give to those in need in the greater Taupo area. No matter who receives them……someone will be reading them!

Many thanks for your anticipated support.

Jenny Flannigan
District 9940.